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Saturday 23 July 2011



There are an estimated 420 million dogs in the world.

U.S. has the highest dog population in the world followed by France.

Children are the main victims of over 5 million dog bites a year in the world which cause losses of over $1 billion a year.


There are more than 700 types of pure bred dogs in the world with most popular dog breed in Canada, U.S., and Great Britain being the Labrador retriever.

The smallest dog on record was a matchbox-size Yorkshire Terrier. It was 2.5" tall at the shoulder, 3.5" from nose tip to tail, and weighed only 4 ounces.

Zorba, an English mastiff, is the biggest dog ever recorded. He weighed 343 pounds and measured 8' 3" from his nose to his tail.

33% of Dalmatians are deaf in one or both ears while they are all completely white at birth.

Many bulldogs spend their lives fighting suffocation due to their extremely short muzzles.

Because Chihuahuas have such small skulls, the flow of spinal fluid can be restricted, causing hydrocephalus, a swelling of the brain.

The most intelligent dogs are reportedly the Border Collie and the Poodle, while the least intelligent dogs are the Afghan Hound and the Basenji.

The Basenji is the world’s only barkless dog while the nosiest breeds are Beagle and Collie.

An Australian cattle dog named Bluey holds the record of being the oldest living do with age of 29 years and 5 months.


Main reasons for renal failure in dogs are small quantities of grapes and raisins.

Unlike humans, anything with caffeine (i.e. chocolate, macadamia nuts, cooked onions, etc.) can be harmful to dogs.
Apple and pear seeds contain arsenic, which may be deadly to dogs.

With around 1,700 taste buds (as against only 473 in cats) dogs like sweets a lot more than cats whereas humans have approximately 9,000 taste buds.


The life expectancy of dogs can be made out from the shape of their face and the thumb rule is sharp, pointed faces typically live longer whereas very flat faces often have shorter lives (like bulldogs)

How about 4,400 puppies in seven years from only one female dog and her female children!

A puppy is born blind, deaf, and toothless. Touch is the first sense they develop as their entire body, including the paws, is covered with touch-sensitive nerve endings.

Dogs sweat through their paws (like humans suffering from wet hands syndrome!)

The average dog can run about 18.5 mph. Whereas Greyhounds can run at speeds over 44 mph holding the title for fastest dogs on the earth.

To facilitate flexibility while running, dog’s shoulder blades are unattached to the rest of the skeleton.


To keep eyes well lubricated and protected dogs have a third eyelid called "Nictitating Membrane" or “haw”.

Dogs can see in colour, though similar to a colour-blind human. They can see better when the light is low.

A dog can easily identify its owner standing a mile away if the owner is waving his arms.


Dogs can smell about 1,000 times better than humans. While humans have 5 million smell-detecting cells, dogs have more than 220 million. The part of the brain that interprets smell is also four times larger in dogs than in humans.

Some dogs can smell dead bodies under water, where termites are hiding, and natural gas buried under 40 feet of dirt. They can even detect cancer that is too small to be detected by a doctor and can find lung cancer by sniffing a person’s breath.

Dogs have a wet nose to collect more of the tiny droplets of smelling chemicals in the air.

Dog nose prints are as unique as human finger prints and can be used to identify them.


A dog can locate the source of a sound in 1/600 of a second and can hear sounds four times farther away than a human can. Dogs can register sounds of 35,000 vibrations a second where as a human can only hear 20,000 vibrations.

Eighteen muscles or more can move a dog’s ear.

Dogs with big, square heads and large ears (like the Saint Bernard) are the best at hearing subsonic sounds.

Thursday 14 July 2011


Cat's heart beats almost double that of humans at 110 to 140 times per minute

"Clowder" is what you call a group of cats whereas its "kindle" for that of kittens

Fingerprints for cats are their nose pads, each has a unique pattern

While a female cat can produce more than 100 kittens in her productive life the record for delivering highest kittens at a time is held by a South African Persian cat named Bluebell with 14 kittens

Cats spend 30% of their waking hours grooming themselves overtaking women

With sleep for 16 hours a day a seven year old kitten has spent just 2 years of its life awake

There are no mouse flavored cat food in the market because the cats on whom such food was tested refused to eat it.

When a cat wags its tail, its bogged with internal conflict. For example, maybe it's playtime and your cat wants to go outside but it can't because the door is locked.

Do you have a kitten that rockets around the house toppling anything that comes on its way? It's almost like having a herd of wild animals stampeding in the house. It's not that the kitten is rowdy, just that this hyperactive creature is bored and needs to release its energy. Giving it a toy to play will engage him in quite a 'non-destructive' way.

Ancient Egyptians are believed to be mourning by shaving their eyebrows when their cats died.

Every year, Americans spend around 4 billion dollars on cat food. That is more then they spend on baby food! We surely love our animals

I think this video will sum up many facts we discussed in a rather funny way, enjoy...


I have tried to put together few of stunning facts which would amaze us... Also some of them are very very funny... Not wasting any more time on preface, lets get started.... First things first and that is.....


We all know that two-thirds of a person’s body weight is water. But did we know the composition organ-wise?

- Blood 92%
- Brain 75%
- Muscles 75%
- Heart 75%
- Lungs 86%
- Liver 85%
- Kidney 83%
- Bone 22%
- Saliva 95%
- Perspiration 95%

Hmm so when you come across a dumb person, try giving him some water to boost up the dried out 75% of brain.. :-)

Now that we know how essential water is for us, lets see how much do we take it and use it and waste it..

- US uses about 346,000 million gallons of fresh water every day.
- US uses nearly 80 percent of its water for irrigation and thermoelectric power.
- A healthy person can drink about three gallons (48 cups) of water per day.
- Average person in the US uses anywhere from 80-100 gallons of water per day.
- Flushing the toilet actually takes up the largest amount of this water.